Geoff Brooks Geoff Brooks

Voter priorities look bad for environment

As voters, we are embedding a cabal of political eunuchs, neutered by our inability to aspire beyond the trivial, the expedient and our endless ambition to extract and consume all within our reach.

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Geoff Brooks Geoff Brooks

Hey Kamala, keep up the laughter

There is a growing need for politicians who see laughter, warmth and engagement as their trademark. Leadership that leans into humour, without being seen as a buffoon without substance, can be very powerful. It fosters engagement, relatability and therefore loyalty.

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Geoff Brooks Geoff Brooks

Globalism v Nationalism; Collectivism v Individualism

We need to work collectively, or our individual capacity and desire for greater control of our lives will ultimately be capped by a never-ending sequence of conflict, catastrophe, the demise of social cohesion, our health and our wellbeing.

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Geoff Brooks Geoff Brooks

Public expenditure - remember Blue Poles?

Public expenditure and debt have become the cornerstones of the economic management credentials for political parties. But government must take on some level of risk to invest in new ventures and infrastructure to support future generations.

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Geoff Brooks Geoff Brooks

Not all fossil fuel molecules are equal

Attribution of emissions outputs to climate change and specific environmental impacts is a nonsense legal view setting an unfortunate precedent for expansion of fossil fuel extraction and export in Australia.

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Geoff Brooks Geoff Brooks

The twins in a modern conundrum - climate and biodiversity

Climate change and biodiversity are flip sides of the same coin – one interacting and ultimately dependent upon the other. From a human perspective, this makes it impossible to divorce climate action and mitigation from biodiversity protection.

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Geoff Brooks Geoff Brooks

Redefining conservatism

Voters elected new independents in 2022 Australian who could redefine the shape of contemporary conservatism.

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