words and images
Back on the tools
The Verbology project
Verbology is a refreshing return to the freedom to take on projects that are meaningful to both my clients and me.
It’s great to select and take on projects in which I can get back on the tools, especially my core writing skills and to just be one of the collaborators. I seek roles in which I can work within great teams, as well as get stuff done.
Verbology also hosts my blog, where I indulge in writing on issues of interest and professional expertise.
Oh. Before I forget. I’m also a decent photographer for editorial assignments around Melbourne and the Mornington Peninsula.
The things that matter
The things that matter to me are environmental conservation and restoration, animal welfare and promoting greater financial literacy as a means to greater opportunity and quality of life.
Inevitably, this means advocacy on politics and government policy aligned with these interests and the need for the blog as my minor contribution to public debate!
My bottom line is working on things that matter. It’s why some of my most demanding and satisfying work is voluntary now.
Non-Executive Director
I became interested in board matters during my superannuation days, during which best-practice governance was at the centre of top-level discussions and public debate.
I completed the AICD Company Directors course and have taken up volunteer directorships with the Mornington Peninsula and Western Port Biosphere Foundation, a UNESCO associated environmental organisation.
Previously, I was a director and Treasurer for the Victorian Men’s Shed Association (VMSA) and a director for the Lost Dogs Home, a Melbourne animal shelter with a proud 110-year history in Melbourne.
I will consider other board roles aligned to my interests and where I feel I can add value and bring a different perspective.
Career to date
Communications has been my career - kicking off with a brief stint in newspaper journalism, before joining Ford Australia’s Public Affairs Office. I migrated from there to the travel industry with Jetset before striking out into my own business with a handful of clients and a lot of hope. Twelve years later, I entered the superannuation business where I stayed until setting up Verbology.
Career highlights for me are the things that have endured - supporting the WWF campaign to establish the Southern Ocean Sanctuary for Whales, conceiving and setting up the National Travel Industry Awards program (still going after 30 years) and creating the superannuation sector’s first online peer comparison tool, ‘Move the Dial’ to help women understand the sector’s gender savings gap.