The heart may lead but the head should rule
Staff commitment to the cause in not-for-profits and charities is something worth bottling, but ultimately the head must rule to ensure sustainable organisations.
Goodwill enabled this not-for-profit brand refresh
Small not-for-profit organisations should not underestimate the power of community goodwill to achieve outcomes beyond the scope of their finances.
The joys of working with local media
Working with local media on worthwhile news, causes and stories is rewarding in more ways than financial. What appears in local media influences what happens in the community in which you live.
What’s the real time commitment for volunteer directors?
Things to consider about commitment when you’re offered a position as a director on a not-for-profit board.
Customers Grill’d on environmental priorities
Public donations at a local Grill’d burger joint might just be an indicator of the environmental priorities of the community.
Boards for micros - the playbook is different
Writing the board playbook for a micro-organisation is to walk across the jagged ridge line between between the established roles of board and management.
The ethical dilemma - should we take the money?
Greenwashing. The trick for not-for-profit boards will be to rinse off the soap to identify genuine partnership and shared commitment to a common purpose with corporate funders.
The true owners of purpose are not-for-profits
Not-for-profits are purpose-built to elevate and deliver on the hopes and aspirations of even those who cannot afford to pay for it. They will always own purpose.
Local not-for-profit organisations can win in a post-pandemic world
For organisations focused locally, there has never been a better time to build a presence and articulate a value proposition that can deliver tangible and demonstrable community outcomes.