Geoff Brooks Geoff Brooks

Hey Kamala, keep up the laughter

There is a growing need for politicians who see laughter, warmth and engagement as their trademark. Leadership that leans into humour, without being seen as a buffoon without substance, can be very powerful. It fosters engagement, relatability and therefore loyalty.

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Geoff Brooks Geoff Brooks

What if dinosaurs wore shoes?

What if dinosaurs wore shoes? Its scarily easy for our perceptions to be shaped on scant evidence, or just a mental flight of fancy.

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Geoff Brooks Geoff Brooks

Global warming? LOL!

How do you meet the challenge of advocating for climate action is when people’s personal experience of the weather often seems to contradict the science. A cold day in Melbourne had me pondering this.

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Geoff Brooks Geoff Brooks

The joys of working with local media

Working with local media on worthwhile news, causes and stories is rewarding in more ways than financial. What appears in local media influences what happens in the community in which you live.

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Geoff Brooks Geoff Brooks

Optus - where events moved faster than words?

Optus’ communications with all stakeholders since its data hack has been a sequence of monumental failures to connect with and inform stakeholders and the brand damage will be long-lasting.

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