Geoff Brooks Geoff Brooks

Climate: Time to move beyond the anthropocene question

We need positive action on climate and biodiversity, a new construct for living as part of rather than in conflict with nature, in order to meet our responsibilities for the health, wellbeing and, yes, even prosperity of future generations.

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Geoff Brooks Geoff Brooks

The twins in a modern conundrum - climate and biodiversity

Climate change and biodiversity are flip sides of the same coin – one interacting and ultimately dependent upon the other. From a human perspective, this makes it impossible to divorce climate action and mitigation from biodiversity protection.

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Geoff Brooks Geoff Brooks

Biodiversity – living within and not apart

A civilised and prosperous society has a huge responsibility to ensure the welfare of all the ecosystems within which it presides — and of which we are now we are effectively architect and master.

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Geoff Brooks Geoff Brooks

Is indigenous knowledge science?

The ‘firehawks’ of The Kimberley opened my eyes to the fact that there is plenty about indigenous knowledge that meets the formal method of western science and the two have more in common than they differ.

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